Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
Person: Cheryl Henley
Position: GIS Coordinator
Phone: 415-972-3586
Address type: mailing and physical
Address: 75 Hawthorne Street
Address: MTS-6-1
City: San Francisco
State or Province: CA
Postal code: 94105
Standard name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Time convention: local time
Stylesheet: FGDC Plus Stylesheet
File name: FGDC Plus.xsl
Version: 1.7
Description: This metadata is displayed using the FGDC Plus Stylesheet, which is an XSL template that can be used with ArcGIS software to display metadata. It shows metadata elements defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standard and the ESRI Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (ESRI Profile). This stylsheet is in the public domain and may be freely used, modified, and redistributed. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty or techical support.
Instructions: Click the title on the top of the page to toggle opening and closing all metadata content sections. Or tab to individual sections by clicking the section links listed horizontally below the title. Section names are centered and shown in white with a blue background. Click on a section name (e.g. Description) to open and close all section content, or individually click terms listed on the left (Status, Key Words, etc.) to individually open and close section content items. Note, some section content items (Citation, Description, etc.) are intentionally opened by default due to their importance.
Key features: Supports W3C DOM compatible browsers such as IE6, Netscape 7, and Mozilla Firefox. Metadata content organized into sections that expand and collapse. Click on title to toggle opening and closing all content (metadata sections). Page header includes menu links that tab to invidual metadata sections. Page footer links to web site. Ignores metadata XML elements that contain all whitespace (spaces, carriage returns, tabs, line feeds, etc). Over 40 metadata elements are parsed to respect line breaks introduced by metadata author to either start a new line or a new paragraph, depending on number of consecutive line breaks and white space characters present. Over 40 metadata elements are searched for internal URL strings (that contain a "://" or "www.") and converts each one to a hypertext link. Browse graphic image and description displayed together on same page if image is JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BMP. Other browse graphic file types such as PDF popup in separate window. Enumerated attribute domain values listed in HTML table, which can be opened and closed. All FGDC metadata elements supported. FGDC Process Steps include full descriptions of each Data Source Used and Produced as long as the value of Process Step's Source Citation Used (srcused) and Source Citation Produced (srcprod) metadata element match a Data Source Citation (srccitea) metadata element value. All ESRI metdata elements supported except for Binary elements used to include thumbnail image. Includes ESRI Geoprocessing History, ESRI Feature Terms, ESRI Geometric Network, ESRI Subtype, ESRI Relationship Class, ESRI Topology, and ESRI Raster elements. Topology rules are named and described as shown on the ESRI topology_rules_poster.pdf included with ArcGIS software.
Download: FGDC Plus Stylesheet is available from the ArcScripts downloads at